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Australia's Nation Brand

Branding, Digital,
Social, UX/UI


Designed at Apparent for Austrade (Australian Trade and Investment Commission)

It’s not every day you’re invited to help launch the brand of a nation. I'm proud to have been a part of building Australia’s Nation Brand for Austrade, to help showcase the best of our nation to the world.

Showcasing our nation in a unifying way.

We were approached to create digital guidelines for Australia’s Nation Brand that provides direction and examples of how the brand applies to a range of owned digital assets.


The digital guidelines are intended to be used by creative designers who would be producing digital assets for global businesses and embassies. Knowing their pain-points, being time poor and busy, they would be looking for simple instructions that are brought to life with real-life examples. They may be based in Australia or overseas, and English could be their second language. Their design skills would vary widely – from extremely competent and skilled, through to very basic skills.


With all this in consideration, our goal was to provide guidelines which are clear and simple in order to encourage adoption of the brand by internal and external agencies around the world, and protect the premium positioning and reputation of the Nation Brand. 

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